Context: A clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of neuroprotective therapy using granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for patients with worsening symptoms of compression myelopathy. During this trial, we found that neuropathic pain associated with thoracic myelopathy was dramatically reduced after G-CSF administration in two cases.
Findings: A 32-year-old man with compression of the spinal cord at levels T7-T10 complained of spastic gait associated with spontaneous severe pain from his back to his chest. G-CSF 10 µg/kg/day was administered for 5 consecutive days; his pain was reduced 1 day after the initial G-CSF administration. One month after administration, he underwent spinal fusion surgery for decompression of the spinal cord. Six months after G-CSF administration, he showed recovery from myelopathy and no recurrence of pain. A 68-year-old man with spastic gait and bilateral thigh pain caused by ossified ligamentum flavum at T11-T12 was treated with G-CSF 10 µg/kg/day for 5 days; his pain was reduced 1 day after initial administration. One month later, he underwent a T10-T12 laminectomy. Three months after G-CSF administration, his thigh pain began to attenuate. At 6 months after administration, he showed recovery from myelopathy, and his pain was still improved compared with that before administration.
Conclusion: G-CSF may have a therapeutic effect on spinal neuropathic pain.