Periferic intravenous infusion of fenoldopam through an elastomeric pump

HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2009;1(3):54-9.


Introduction: Fenoldopam has been used to protect renal function in critically ill patients and in those undergoing major surgery, where a possible damage of kidney is expected. Numerous randomized studies and meta-analysis demonstrated the efficacy of fenoldopam in this setting. We performed this study to demonstrate the feasibility of administering fenoldopam, trough an elastomeric pump connected to a peripheral vein, to patients undergoing nephron sparing surgery.

Materials and methods: Twenty consecutive patients, ASA physical status class I-III, undergoing laparoscopic or laparotomic renal tumorectomy were enrolled. Fenoldopam was infused trough an elastomeric pump at a fixed dosage of 0.1 mcg/kg/min, obtained after diluting the drug with saline solution according to the weight of the patient. We injected the drug trough a peripheral vein from the induction of anaesthesia for 48 hours after the end of surgery.

Results: The infusion of fenoldopam did not modify the haemodynamic parameters. We did not find episodes of hypotension and only in three patients we registered episodes of tachycardia, not requiring the suspension of the infusion. No other side-effect was noted.

Conclusions: The administration of fenoldopam, trough an elastomeric pump, in patients undergoing renal tumorectomy is feasible through a peripheral vein access.

Keywords: acute renal failure; elastomeric pump; fenoldopam; kidney; peripheral vein.