Objective: This study was aimed to assess the early morphological results of a new septorhinoplasty technique based on disarticulation (SRD) between bony and cartilaginous nose structures.
Methodology: A retrospective, multi-judge, blind comparison of pre- and post-operative photographs displayed on Google documents was designed. A nasal morphology analysis grid based on 10 items was fulfilled independently by 6 judges to assess pre- and post-operatively, two times with a 15 day interval, the severity of each deformity by a score between 0 and 2. The sum of all deformities in a single patient produced the individual global score of nasal deformity, which was set between 0 and 20 for each patient. Pre- and post-operative individual global scores were compared using Student`s t test on paired samples. Percentages of post-operative improvement and deterioration were calculated for each item.
Results: Thirty-five SRD were analyzed. Before surgery, 80% of noses were humped and 86% were crooked; three months after surgery, 64% of noses had a rectilinear nasal crest on profile and 57% on facial view. The mean global score of deformities drop- ped from 11.1 before surgery to 5.8 after surgery, an improvement of 47% . Improvement rates of 82% and 74.3% were obtained, respectively, for hump profiles and orbitonasal lines.
Discussion: The early morphological results of SRD allow to propose this technique as a possible solution to correct crooked noses with humps.