Thyroglossal duct cysts: Two cases

J Ultrasound. 2012 Sep;15(3):183-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jus.2012.04.003. Epub 2012 May 9.


Thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common congenital neck mass in children and young adults. The authors present two cases affecting two patients aged 7 and 9 years, respectively, who had a palpable painless swelling in the submental region. In both patients ultrasound (US) examination showed an anechoic or hypoechoic rounded mass with well-defined margins thus confirming clinical suspicion of thyroglossal duct cyst. One patient also had a second, deep-lying, nonpalpaple cyst which communicated with the superficial cyst. These cases are typical and confirm that US is essential in suspected thyroglossal duct cyst to confirm clinical diagnosis, detect lesions which are not clinically appreciable due to their small size or deep location, to assess communication between the lesions and to detect possible complications.

Thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common congenital neck mass in children and young adults. The authors present two cases affecting two patients aged 7 and 9 years, respectively, who had a palpable painless swelling in the submental region. In both patients ultrasound (US) examination showed an anechoic or hypoechoic rounded mass with well-defined margins thus confirming clinical suspicion of thyroglossal duct cyst. One patient also had a second, deep-lying, nonpalpaple cyst which communicated with the superficial cyst. These cases are typical and confirm that US is essential in suspected thyroglossal duct cyst to confirm clinical diagnosis, detect lesions which are not clinically appreciable due to their small size or deep location, to assess communication between the lesions and to detect possible complications.

SommarioLe cisti del dotto tireoglosso sono le malformazioni congenite della linea mediana del collo più frequenti nei bambini e nei giovani adulti. Presentiamo due casi di pazienti di 7 e 9 anni, con tumefazioni palpabili in sede sottomentoniera, non dolenti. In entrambi l’ecografia ha evidenziato formazioni anecogene o ipoecogene, rotondeggianti, con margini ben definiti ed è stato confermato il sospetto clinico di cisti del dotto tireoglosso. In un caso il paziente presentava una seconda formazione cistica, non palpabile, profonda, in comunicazione con quella superficiale. I casi presentati sono tipici e confermano come, nel sospetto di cisti del dotto tireoglosso, l’ecografia sia importante, oltre che per la conferma diagnostica, anche per il riconoscimento di lesioni non apprezzabili clinicamente per le dimensioni ridotte o per la sede profonda, per la valutazione dei rapporti delle lesioni e per evidenziare eventuali complicanze.

Keywords: Cysts; Thyroglossal duct; Ultrasound.