In clinical trials of complicated intra-abdominal infections, assessment of adequacy of the initial surgical approach to the management of the infection is of considerable importance in determining outcome. Antibiotic therapy would not be expected to adequately treat the infection if the surgical procedure was inadequate with respect to source control. Inclusion of such cases in an efficacy analysis of a particular therapeutic antibiotic may confound the results. We analyzed the source control review process used in double-blind clinical trials of antibiotics in complicated intra-abdominal infections identified through systematic review. We searched MEDLINE (PubMed) and databases to identify relevant articles reporting results from double-blind clinical trials that used a source control review process. Eight prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, clinical trials of 5 anti-infective agents in complicated intra-abdominal infections used a source control review process. We provide recommendations for an independent, adjudicated source control review process applicable to future clinical trials.
Keywords: adjudication; intra-abdominal infections; review board; source control.