Objective: To document Georgian physician's knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning HPV, Pap smear testing, and HPV vaccination, and to assess whether physician practice might change with additional education and training.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered written survey of 288 physicians practicing in 7 healthcare institutions in Tbilisi, Rustavi, and Batumi, Georgia. Data were collected on demographics, conduct of and perceived barriers to Pap smear testing, knowledge about HPV and HPV vaccination, and willingness to receive education and training about HPV and cervical cancer. Univariate counts and proportions were calculated. Pap smear testing and barriers were compared across demographics using bivariate and Poisson regression with robust error variance methods.
Results: Overall, 54% of physicians never performed Pap smears; most reported testing was not their responsibility. Most (88%) obstetricians/gynecologists performed Pap smears. Younger physicians were more likely to perform Pap smears. Approximately 48% of physicians actively offered the HPV vaccine. Most physicians were receptive to increased education and training about HPV and cervical cancer.
Conclusion: Age-related differences in the conduct of and attitudes toward Pap smear testing exist among Georgian physicians. There is an opportunity to increase Pap smear testing and provide evidence-based HPV vaccine counseling in Georgia.
Copyright © 2013 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.