Time-dependent NOE studies of the C13(1) and C17(1) methylene proton resonances of the heme peripheral propanoate groups have elucidated their mobility in the active site of the ferric high-spin form of Galeorhinus japonicus myoglobin. A large difference in the chemical shift due to the non-equivalence of the heme C13(1) and C17(1) methylene proton resonances allows selective irradiation of a given proton resonance by a high-power selective decoupler pulse in spite of their fast relaxation rates. NOE accumulation of the resonance of one methylene proton after saturation of the resonance of the other proton essentially follows the theoretical prediction derived using the two-spin approximation, and the cross-relaxation rates for the heme C13(1) and C17(1) methylene proton spin systems were quantitatively determined. The correlation time for the mobility of the internuclear vector connecting the heme C13(1) or C17(1) methylene protons was then calculated from the cross-relaxation rate and values of approximately 11 ns were obtained for both C13(1) and C17(1) methylene groups in 2 mM Galeorhinus japonicus myoglobin at 35 degrees C. The immobile C13(1) and C17(1) methylenes of the heme propanoate groups, together with a large difference in chemical shift between the methylene proton resonances, dictate their fixed orientation with respect to the protein moiety as well as the heme plane, and are therefore consistent with the immobile heme in the active site of myoglobin.