The uterine adenofibroma is a form of mixed mesodermal tumor in which both epithelial and stromal components are benign. A case is presented in which a patient with this lesion was treated with excision of the tumor rather than hysterectomy. Two years later, she developed a recurrence of the lesion, which was again treated with wide local excision. A hysterectomy was done 9 months later, and a polypoid lesion was noted in the fundus of the uterus which on histologic examination was thought to be potentially either an adenofibroma precursor or a maturation of the previous cellular adenofibroma. Since uterine adenofibroma usually occurs in older patients, the standard treatment has been hysterectomy. Because of this patient's age, she was initially treated with a more conservative approach. However, despite the fact that the uterine adenofibroma is a benign lesion, it has an obvious potential to recur when treated conservatively.