Adventitial cystic disease of the popliteal artery

Ann Vasc Dis. 2012;5(2):190-3. doi: 10.3400/


We describe a patient with adventitial cystic disease of the popliteal artery with intermittent claudication involving the right calf during exercise. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) revealed a cystic lesion that encircled and compressed the popliteal artery. Resection of the cyst involving a segment of the affected popliteal artery and interposing an autologous vein graft resolved the symptoms, and the postoperative course was uneventful. The cyst was histologically similar to a ganglion.

Keywords: autologous vein graft; ganglion; intermittent claudication.

Publication types

  • Case Reports