To test the effect of adding different monosaccharide groups to a non-phloem-mobile insecticide on the phloem mobility of the insecticide, a series of conjugates of different monosaccharides and fipronil were synthesized using the trichloroacetimidate method. Phloem mobility tests in castor bean ( Ricinus communis L.) seedlings indicated that the phloem mobility of these conjugates varied markedly. L-Rhamnose-fipronil and D-fucose-fipronil displayed the highest phloem mobility among all of the tested conjugates. Conjugating hexose, pentose, or deoxysugar to fipronil through an O-glycosidic linkage can confer phloem mobility to fipronil in R. communis L. effectively, while the -OH orientation of the monosaccharide substantially affected the phloem mobility of the conjugates.