Considering the demographic changes in our society and the proliferation of imaging-based improved diagnostics, both acute and chronic aortic diseases attract increasing attention and require dedicated care. Cardiac as well as vascular surgery used to represent the gold standards for therapeutic management of pathologies of the ascending aorta and the arch; however, the technological evolution of endoluminal strategies has had a serious impact on the treatment of the descending aorta, the aortic arch in combination with vascular debranching or bypass, and in selected cases even on managing pathologies of the ascending aorta. Although several case series and meta-analyses of published observations hint towards superiority of endografting in comparison to open surgical repair, the affected usually multimorbid patients with highly complex aortic disease should be subjected to an individual evaluation by a team of cardiologists, cardiac and vascular surgeons as well as imaging specialists; a dedicated individualized treatment concept in highly experienced centers of excellence is likely to provide the best results for such challenging patients.