Electron microscopy of skin specimens was performed in 4 patients (age range, 7 months-40 years) with glycogenosis III and revealed consistent abnormalities. Massive glycogen storage was observed in epithelial secretory cells of eccrine sweat glands and, less markedly, in smooth muscle fibers from the erector pili. Other cells, including Schwann cells of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers, were not affected. The extent of glycogen storage was similar in all patients and unrelated to age or duration of disease. The extralysosomal nature and selectivity of glycogen deposits, sparing fibroblasts and other cells, differ clearly from the findings in skin from patients with glycogenosis II. The purpose of this study was to show that glycogen deposits in glycogenosis III are not restricted to skeletal muscle and liver, and to assess the usefulness of skin biopsy in this disorder.