Venue sampling is a common sampling method for populations of men who have sex with men (MSM); however, men who visit venues frequently are more likely to be recruited. While statistical adjustment methods are recommended, these have received scant attention in the literature. We developed a novel approach to adjust for frequency of venue attendance (FVA) and assess the impact of associated bias in the ManCount Study, a venue-based survey of MSM conducted in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 2008-2009 to measure the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus and other infections and associated behaviors. Sampling weights were determined from an abbreviated list of questions on venue attendance and were used to adjust estimates of prevalence for health and behavioral indicators using a Bayesian, model-based approach. We found little effect of FVA adjustment on biological or sexual behavior indicators (primary outcomes); however, adjustment for FVA did result in differences in the prevalence of demographic indicators, testing behaviors, and a small number of additional variables. While these findings are reassuring and lend credence to unadjusted prevalence estimates from this venue-based survey, adjustment for FVA did shed important insights on MSM subpopulations that were not well represented in the sample.
Keywords: HCV; HIV; data collection; models, statistical; population surveillance; prevalence; selection bias; sexual behavior.