Dielectrically embedded flat mesh lens for millimeter waves applications

Appl Opt. 2013 Apr 10;52(11):2218-25. doi: 10.1364/AO.52.002218.


A flat lens based on subwavelength periodic metal meshes has been developed using photolithographic techniques. These mesh grids are stacked at specific distances and embedded in polypropylene. A code was developed to optimize more than 1000 transmission line circuits required to vary the device phase shift across the lens flat surface, mimicking the behavior of a classical lens. A W-band mesh-lens prototype was successfully manufactured and its RF performance characterized using a vector network analyzer coupled to corrugated horn antennas. Co-polarization far-field beam patterns were measured and compared with finite-element method models. The excellent agreement between data and simulations validated our designing tools and manufacturing procedures. This mesh lens is a low-loss, robust, light, and compact device that has many potential applications including millimeter wave quasi-optical systems for future cosmic microwave background polarization instruments.