High-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) images of the skin were acquired with a whole-body MR system at 1.5 T by adding a specific imaging module: A saddle-shaped surface gradient coil was connected in place of one of the gradient coils of the system, and a surface radio-frequency coil with a 1.5-cm radius was placed at the center of the gradient coil. The images, acquired in 3 minutes 25 seconds, represent a field of view of 18 x 50 mm2, which corresponds to a pixel size of 70 x 390 micro2; the section thickness was 1.2 mm. With this spatial resolution, the different layers of the skin are clearly delineated: Epidermis appears as a high-signal-intensity layer, while dermis appears hypointense due to its very short T2. Pilosebaceous units appear as inclusions of epidermis inside dermis. The high quality of the images obtained enables in vivo MR characterization of skin.