Surface phenotypes of lymphocytes and the assessment of cytotoxic NK activity were determined in peripheral blood leukocytes in a group of heavy smokers and respective non-smoking people control group. Cell phenotypes were evaluated by a panel of monoclonal antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence on cell sediments. Cytotoxic activity was assessed by single cell cytotoxic assay on target K 562 cells. There were no significant differences in T cell (CD 3+) as well as in CD 43+ ones (large sialoglycoprotein) per cent values. The cells possessing receptor for sheep red blood cell (CD 2+) were however more numerous in smokers as compared to non-smokers. Per cent value of B lymphocytes in the former group was significantly decreased vs control one. There was no difference in per cent values of activated and immature cells in both examined groups. Per cent values of NK cell activity were higher in non-smokers in relation to smokers. It was reflected by an increase of cytotoxicity of effector cells, while frequency of incidence of NK cells was comparable in both groups examined.