Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is used to determine the amount of carcinogen covalently bound to mouse liver DNA (DNA adduct) following very low-level exposure to a 14C-labeled carcinogen. AMS is a highly sensitive method for counting long-lived but rare cosmogenic isotopes. While AMS is a tool of importance in the earth sciences, it has not been applied in biomedical research. The ability of AMS to assay rare isotope concentrations (10Be, 14C, 26Al, 41Ca, and 129I) in microgram amounts suggests that extension to the biomedical sciences is a natural and potentially powerful application of the technology. In this study, the relationship between exposure to low levels of 2-amino-3,8-dimethyl[2-14C]imidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline and formation of DNA adducts is examined to establish the dynamic range of the technique and the potential sensitivity for biological measurements, as well as to evaluate the relationship between DNA adducts and low-dose carcinogen exposure. Instrument reproducibility in this study is 2%; sensitivity is 1 adduct per 10(11) nucleotides. Formation of adducts is linearly dependent on dose down to an exposure of 500 ng per kg of body weight. With the present measurements, we demonstrate at least 1 order of magnitude improvement over the best adduct detection sensitivity reported to date and 3-5 orders of magnitude improvement over other methods used for adduct measurement. An additional improvement of 2 orders of magnitude in sensitivity is suggested by preliminary experiments to develop bacterial hosts depleted in radiocarbon. Expanded applications involving human subjects, including clinical applications, are now expected because of the great detection sensitivity and small sample size requirements of AMS.