Many genetic association studies have been performed to investigate disorders of female reproduction, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure and endometriosis. These disorders typically manifest heterogeneously, and their pathogeneses are influenced by polygenic and environmental factors. Researchers evaluating these genetic associations have chosen candidate genes related to hormone action, steroid biosynthesis, inflammatory cytokines and autoimmune factors. Several of these genes have yielded statistically significant associations with female reproductive disorders; however, few associations have been robust and reproducible. Whole-genome association studies generate more reliable and unbiased results and represent a breakthrough in genetic studies of female reproduction. Nevertheless, to date only a very small fraction of the overall heritability has been identified and so further studies are needed.
Keywords: endometriosis; genetic association study; genome-wide association study; polycystic ovary syndrome; premature ovary failure; reproduction.