Psychosocial morbidities in school going adolescent girls: a study from a South Indian city

J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Apr;7(4):684-6. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2013/5029.2881. Epub 2013 Apr 1.


Introduction: Adolescents form about 20-30% of our population. Like the children of any other ages, adolescents have the so called usual problems and problems which are specific for their age and developmental peculiarities. The present study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of the psycho-social problems of adolescent girls and to counsel the girls with problems or those who were problem prone.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 500 adolescent girls from 6 higher secondary schools were selected via a simple random sampling method. A psychiatrist was consulted before the study was undertaken. A pre-designed profoma was given to be filled up and the data was analyzed later.

Results: Sixty percent of the girls were in the age group of 14 to 15 years. Depression was noted in 10 girls (2%), symptoms of anxiety were noted in 5 girls (1%), stuttering and a poor concentration were observed in 10 girls ( 1% each), 2 girls (0.4%) came from broken families, 5 girls (1%) were suffering from anorexia nervosa, 3 girls (0.6%) were suffering from bulimia nervosa and 10 girls (2%) had pychosomatic symptoms. 5 girls (1%) reported interpersonal violence among their hostelmates.

Conclusion: Finding out the prevalence of the psychosocial problems among adolescent girls and counselling them appropriately can decrease the major psychosocial morbidities which are prevalent in the community.

Keywords: Adolescent girls; Anxiety; Depression; Psychosocial problems.