Note: Mobile micro-Raman analyzer integrated with a lab-on-a-chip

Rev Sci Instrum. 2013 May;84(5):056105. doi: 10.1063/1.4804283.


A mobile micro-Raman microfluidic analyzer was designed and built for label-free, nondestructive, fingerprint detection of samples on microfluidic chip systems. It mainly includes an optical module (including the Raman detection system and the microscopic imaging system), 3-axis stages with step motors and other auxiliary circuits. The setup of the analyzer was designed with fully considering the characters of the microfluidics system. The experimental results prove that this microfluidics analyzer is practical and very convenient to use. This micro-Raman microfluidics analyzer with high performance to cost ratio has wide application potential in lab-on-a-chip fields as a powerful analytical tool.