Objective: To compare the expectations of patients with brain injury (TBI) entering a post-acute programme to the recommendations made at the end.
Design: Retrospective study (1997 and 2009).
Intervention: This 12-week post-acute programme included ecological multidisciplinary assessment of physical and cognitive disabilities, independence in activities of daily living and work abilities. Recommendations made at the conclusion of the programme included advice regarding the ability to work in an unsheltered or a sheltered environment and possible social activities.
Results: Two hundred and forty patients participated. The main objective of 95.8% was return-to-work: 93.7% expected a normal work environment, 2.1% considered a sheltered environment and 4% entered the programme with the aim of improving social abilities and integration in the community. The recommendations included return-to-work in 68.3% of cases, in an unsheltered environment in 44.2% and in a sheltered environment in 24.1% and advice for contact with social services in order to achieve better social integration in 31.7%. There was a discrepancy between expectations and recommendations in half of the cases.
Conclusion: The discrepancy between patients' expectations and recommendations is in part due to the cognitive disorders; long-term rehabilitation programmes should focus on this issue.