Background: Evaluation of the sensitisation and levels of exposure to grains and its pulmonary impact ina population of Brest port silo employees.
Materials and methods: We included exposed workers. The study consisted of clinical examination witha standardised questionnaire, blood samples, prick-tests, and spirometry tests. The atmospheric concentrationof total dust in the workplace was also associated.
Results: Eight workers were included in the study. No case of occupational asthma was found, but 3 casesof occupational rhinitis were noted and occupational prick-tests were positive in 4 cases. The mean totaldust concentration in the three atmospheric samples was 4.87 mg/m3 for 8 hours but it was under thedetection limits for alveolar fractions.
Conclusions: Port silo workers are exposed to total dust concentrations below the French legal limit (10 mg/m3) but higher than Canadian and American recommendations. Levels of exposure in our studyare similar to other studies developed in port silos. Symptoms developed by workers may be due to highexposure to dust with an irritant effect rather than an allergic effect. Despite this fact, a specific medicalsurvey is needed, and ventilation and respiratory masks have to be promoted for prevention.