Studies on gene and/or microRNA (miRNA) dysregulation in the early stages of hepatocarcinogenesis are hampered by the difficulty of diagnosing early lesions in humans. Experimental models recapitulating human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are then used to perform this analysis. We performed miRNA and gene expression profiling to characterize the molecular events involved in the multistep process of hepatocarcinogenesis in the resistant-hepatocyte rat model. A high percentage of dysregulated miRNAs/genes in HCC were similarly altered in early preneoplastic lesions positive for the stem/progenitor cell marker cytokeratin-19, indicating that several HCC-associated alterations occur from the very beginning of the carcinogenic process. Our analysis also identified miRNA/gene-target networks aberrantly activated at the initial stage of hepatocarcinogenesis. Activation of the nuclear factor erythroid related factor 2 (NRF2) pathway and up-regulation of the miR-200 family were among the most prominent changes. The relevance of these alterations in the development of HCC was confirmed by the observation that NRF2 silencing impaired while miR-200a overexpression promoted HCC cell proliferation in vitro. Moreover, T3-induced in vivo inhibition of the NRF2 pathway accompanied the regression of cytokeratin-19-positive nodules, suggesting that activation of this transcription factor contributes to the onset and progression of preneoplastic lesions towards malignancy. The finding that 78% of genes and 57% of dysregulated miRNAs in rat HCC have been previously associated with human HCC as well underlines the translational value of our results.
Conclusion: This study indicates that most of the molecular changes found in HCC occur in the very early stages of hepatocarcinogenesis. Among these, the NRF2 pathway plays a relevant role and may represent a new therapeutic target.
© 2013 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.