The optimal regimen of preliminary ischemic preparation, in which the vessels occlusion causes minimal pathohistological hepatic changes without inhibition of its regeneration capacities, was studied in experiment. The ischemic-reperfusional damage of liver, using hepatoduodenal ligament crossclamping in various regimens, was modeled on 40 rabbits in a randomized experimental investigation. Morphological investigations of the animals liver fragments, taken immediately after ligament crossclamping and on the third postoperative day, were performed. There was established, that severity and reversibility of the hepatic tissue affection have differed, depending on the ischemia duration and reperfusion period. The vessels occlusion regimen with preliminary ischemic preparation was the most safe for hepatic tissue, without rude structural injuries and functional disorders, permitting to recommend it for clinical application as the optimal one while performance of hepatic resection in combination with afferent vascular exclusion.