Subocclusive hymenal variants, such as microperforate or septate hymen, impair somatic functions (e.g., vaginal intercourse or menstrual hygiene) and can negatively impact the quality of life of young women. We know little about the prevalence and inheritance of subocclusive hymenal variants. So far, eight cases of familial occurrence of occlusive hymenal anomalies (imperforate hymen) have been reported. In one of these cases, monozygotic twins were affected. We are reporting the first case of subocclusive hymenal variants (microperforate hymen and septate hymen) in 16-year-old white dizygotic twins. In addition, we review and discuss the current evidence.
Conclusion: The mode of inheritance of hymenal variants has not been determined so far. Because surgical corrections of hymenal variants should be carried out in asymptomatic patients (before menarche), gynecologists and pediatricians should keep in mind that familial occurrences may occur.