The surgical techniques and results after extraperiorbital implantation of Silastic on the orbital floor of 70 patients are reviewed. In 11 patients the implant was through a subciliary approach and in 59 through an inferolateral cantholysis. The inferolateral cantholysis, a simplification of the McCord and Moses approach to the orbital floor, is particularly suited to this application. The implanted Silastic was retained in 66 patients, with an average follow up of 3.5 years (range less than 1 to 9.5 years), though six required surgery to debulk the anterior end of the implant. Further surgery was required in 27 patients, this generally being to correct the position of either the upper or the lower lid. Volume enhancement was effective in most cases, there being a significant reduction in the degree of recession of the prosthesis and the depth of the unsightly sunken sulci of the upper and lower lids. The mobility of the orbital contents, the prosthesis, and the upper lid was not improved.