The associations of fracture prevalence and bone mass in adolescents with maternal fracture history and bone mass have not been investigated previously in South Africa. Maternal bone mass has a significant inverse association with their adolescents' fracture rates and bone mass across all ethnic groups.
Introduction: Differences in fracture rates and bone mass between families and individuals of different ethnic origins may be due to differing lifestyles and/or genetic backgrounds. This study aimed to assess associations of fracture prevalence and bone mass in adolescents with maternal fracture history and bone mass, and sibling fracture history.
Methods: Data from 1,389 adolescent-biological mother pairs from the Birth to Twenty longitudinal study were obtained. Questionnaires were completed on adolescent fractures until 17/18 years of age and on sibling fractures. Biological mothers completed questionnaires on their own fractures prior to the age of 18 years. Anthropometric and bone mass data on adolescent-biological mother pairs were collected.
Results: An adolescent's risk of lifetime fracture decreased with increasing maternal lumbar spine (LS) bone mineral content (BMC; 24 % reduction in fracture risk for every unit increase in maternal LS BMC Z-score) and increased if they were white, male, or had a sibling with a history of fracture. Adolescent height, weight, male gender, maternal bone area and BMC, and white ethnicity were positive predictors of adolescent bone mass. White adolescents and their mothers had a higher fracture prevalence (adolescents 42 %, mothers 31 %) compared to the black (adolescents 20 %, mothers 6 %) and mixed ancestry (adolescents 20 %, mothers 16 %) groups.
Conclusion: Maternal bone mass has a significant inverse association with their adolescent off-springs' fracture risk and bone mass. Furthermore, there is a strong familial component in fracture patterns among South African adolescents and their siblings.