Clinical/methodical issue: The positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) technique represents a new hybrid imaging modality in nuclear cardiology.
Standard radiological methods: The standard radiological method in this field is PET/computed tomography (CT).
Methodical innovations: For morphological correlation MRI is used instead of CT. Furthermore, the creation of attenuation maps (μ-maps) has to be accomplished using MRI data.
Performance: For this new hybrid imaging modality only limited data are so far available, especially in the field of nuclear cardiology; however, the available data show a relatively good agreement between both modalities with the PET/CT as the modality of reference.
Achievements: In comparison to PET/CT a major advantage of PET/MRI is the lower radiation dose to the patient; however, the more complex workflow using this new imaging modality also has to be taken into account. Furthermore, some indications are still at an experimental stage using the PET/MRI.
Practical recommendations: In daily practice, PET/MRI should be considered especially in younger patients due to the lower exposure to radiation. Furthermore, there are some advantages for this modality in the field of nuclear cardiology, such as imaging of inflammatory myocardial processes (e.g. cardiac sarcoidosis) or myocardial viability imaging.