INTRODUCTION. Occipital neuralgia is a pain in the distribution of the occipital nerves, accompanied by hypersensitivity to touch in the corresponding territory. AIMS. We present the occipital neuralgia series from the specialised headache unit at a tertiary hospital and analyse its clinical characteristics and its response to therapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS. Variables were collected from the cases of occipital neuralgia diagnosed in the above-mentioned headache unit between January 2008 and April 2013. RESULTS. A series of 14 patients (10 females, 4 males) with occipital neuralgia was obtained out of a total of 2338 (0.59%). Age at onset of the clinical signs and symptoms: 53.4 ± 20.3 years (range: 17-81 years) and time elapsed to diagnosis was 35.5 ± 58.8 months (range: 1-230 months). An intracranial or cervical pathology was ruled out by suitable means in each case. Baseline pain of a generally oppressive nature and an intensity of 5.3 ± 1.3 (4-8) on the verbal analogue scale was observed in 13 of them (92.8%). Eleven (78.5%) presented exacerbations, generally stabbing pains, a variable frequency (4.6 ± 7 a day) and an intensity of 7.8 ± 1.7 (range: 4-10) on the verbal analogue scale. Anaesthetic blockade was not performed in four of them (two due to a remitting pattern and two following the patient's wishes); in the others, blockade was carried out and was completely effective for between two and seven months. Four cases had previously received preventive treatment (amitriptyline in three and gabapentin in one), with no response. CONCLUSIONS. In this series from a specialised headache unit, occipital neuralgia is an infrequent condition that mainly affects patients over 50 years of age. Given its poor response to preventive treatment, the full prolonged response to anaesthetic blockades must be taken into account.
Title: Neuralgia occipital: caracteristicas clinicas y terapeuticas de una serie de 14 pacientes.
Introduccion. La neuralgia occipital es un dolor en la distribucion de los nervios occipitales, acompañado de hipersensibilidad al tacto en el territorio correspondiente. Objetivos. Presentamos la serie de neuralgia occipital de la consulta monografica de cefaleas de un hospital terciario y analizamos sus caracteristicas clinicas y su respuesta terapeutica. Pacientes y metodos. Se recogen variables de los casos de neuralgia occipital diagnosticados en dicha consulta entre enero de 2008 y abril de 2013. Resultados. Serie de 14 pacientes (10 mujeres, 4 varones) con neuralgia occipital sobre un total de 2.338 (0,59%). Edad al inicio del cuadro: 53,4 ± 20,3 años (rango: 17-81 años), y tiempo hasta el diagnostico de 35,5 ± 58,8 meses (rango: 1-230 meses). Se descarto apropiadamente en cada caso patologia intracraneal o cervical. En 13 de ellos (92,8%) se observo dolor basal de caracter generalmente opresivo e intensidad 5,3 ± 1,3 (4-8) en la escala analogica verbal. Once (78,5%) presentaban exacerbaciones, generalmente de caracter punzante, frecuencia variable (4,6 ± 7 al dia) e intensidad 7,8 ± 1,7 (rango: 4-10) en la escala analogica verbal. En cuatro no se llevo a cabo bloqueo anestesico (dos por patron remitente y dos por deseo del paciente); en los restantes, se realizo bloqueo con eficacia completa de duracion entre dos y siete meses. Cuatro casos habian recibido anteriormente tratamiento preventivo (amitriptilina en tres y gabapentina en uno), sin respuesta. Conclusiones. En esta serie de una consulta monografica de cefaleas, la neuralgia occipital es una entidad infrecuente y que afecta principalmente a pacientes mayores de 50 años. Ha de tenerse en cuenta, dada su respuesta escasa a preventivos, y completa y prolongada a bloqueos anestesicos.