The purpose of the study is evaluation and assessment of parameters of cardiac toxicity in patients subjected to 5-FU based chemotherapy. Cardiac morbidity is a reported outcome in different 5FU/LV regimens; however none of them are definite or proximate. The bimonthly regimen of high dose leucovorin is reported to be less toxic and more effective as compared to the monthly regimen of low dose leucovorin. We report the detailed assessment of few cardiac parameter of toxicity in patients of advanced colorectal carcinoma subjected to two Schedules of high and low dose Folinic Acid, 5-Fluorouracil, bolus and continuous infusion. The correlation of elevated cardiac biomarkers, angina and hypertension is comparatively assessed in patients with normal general status, hyperglycemia and known cardiac disorders subjected to two different 5FU based chemotherapeutic regimen.