Purpose: In radiotherapy for left-sided breast cancer, Active Breathing Control enables a decrease of cardiac and Left Anterior Descending (LAD) coronary artery dose. We compared 3D-Conformal (3D-CRT) to Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment plans based on free-breathing (FB) and breath-hold (BH). We investigated whether IMRT enables an additional decrease of cardiac dose in radiotherapy plans with and without BH.
Methods and materials: Twenty patients referred for whole breast irradiation were included. The whole breast, heart and LAD-region were contoured. Four treatment plans were generated: FB_3D-CRT; FB_IMRT; BH_3D-CRT; BH_IMRT. Several doses were obtained from Dose Volume Histograms and compared. Results were compared statistically using the Wilcoxin Signed Rank Test. For heart and LAD-region, a significant dose reduction was found in BH (p<0.01). For both BH and FB, a significant dose reduction was found using IMRT (p<0.01). By using IMRT an average reduction of 5% was noted in the LAD-region for the volume receiving 20Gy. In 5 cases, the LAD-region remained situated in the vicinity of the radiation portals even in BH. Nevertheless, with IMRT the LAD dose was reduced in these cases.
Conclusion: IMRT results in a significant additional decrease of dose in the heart and LAD-region in both breath-hold and free-breathing.
Keywords: Active Breathing Control; Breast cancer; Heart sparing; IMRT; LAD; Radiotherapy.
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