Sex frequency, defined here as the number of oral or anal sex acts with the most recent partner in the past year, is a potential driver of risk for sexually transmitted infections. However, few data on sex frequency have been reported for men who have sex with men (MSM). Data from an Internet survey of MSM were used to describe sex frequency with most recent main and casual male partners and to estimate factors associated with higher sex frequency. Among 5,193 MSM, higher sex frequency was associated with younger age, shorter relationship duration, and reporting a main (vs. casual) partner; and lower sex frequency with male partners was associated with heterosexual or bisexual (vs. homosexual) identity or Black race (vs. non-Hispanic White). Secondary analyses of estimates of sex frequency from 2 publicly available nationally representative datasets comprised of primarily heterosexual survey respondents (the 2008 General Social Survey and the 1992 National Health and Social Life Survey) were performed. Sex frequency among MSM respondents was similar to that reported by heterosexuals.