Chronic hepatitis due to the hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection affects nearly 180 million people worldwide. This infection is curable. Until 1 year ago, the only treatment for genotype 1 HCV was the combination of pegylated interferon and ribavirin, which was only moderately effective (40-50%). The introduction of new antiviral agents, such as telaprevir, represents a change of paradigm and has revolutionized the treatment of this infection. This drug has increased the likelihood of viral response (to 80%) and has allowed treatment length to be shortened in more than 50% of patients. New stopping rules have been developed to avoid the development of resistances. Finally, special attention should be paid to potentially serious adverse effects, particularly anemia and cutaneous alterations.
Keywords: Agentes antivirales directos; Direct antiviral agents; Hepatitis C; Inhibidores de la proteasa; Protease inhibitors; Telaprevir.
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