Primary objective: To evaluate risk factors for clinical deterioration in mild traumatic brain injury.
Research design: Prospective cross-sectional.
Methods and procedures: This study evaluated 203 patients with mild traumatic brain injury. A brain computed tomography scan was performed in all patients and they were observed for 6-48 hours.
Main outcomes and results: Among these patients, 2.5% had cerebral contusions and the most common sites for contusions were frontal lobes; 94% of patients had no hematoma in the initial scan, while 3% had subgaleal haematoma, 1.5% had subdural haematoma, 1% showed subarachnoid haemorrhage, 0.5% intracerebral haemorrhage and 0.5% epidural haemorrhage. GCS was 15 in 96.6% and 13-14 in 3.4%. GCS deteriorated in three (1.5%). Presence of coagulopathy, anticoagulant drug use, GCS of 13-14 and increased age predicted further deterioration. Among CT findings, those with midline shift, cerebral contusion and diffuse cerebral oedema deteriorated more. Among different haematoma types, only SDH predicted a worse outcome.
Conclusions: Although deterioration rarely occurs in patients with mild brain injury, those with coagulopathy, anticoagulant drug use, GCS of 13-14, increased age, midline shift, cerebral contusions, diffuse cerebral oedema and SDH were more prone to deterioration.