Objective: We examined factors associated with withdrawal of care (WOC) in moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (msTBI) patients, and how WOC may affect short-term mortality and receipt of neurosurgery. Variability in msTBI-related outcome prognostication by clinicians from different specialties was also assessed.
Methods: Rates of WOC, factors associated with WOC, and the relation between WOC and in-hospital case-fatality rate (CFR) and neurosurgery were determined in 232 prospectively enrolled msTBI patients in the ongoing OPTIMISM Study at a level-1 trauma center. In a concomitant web-based survey with clinical vignettes, outcome prognostication comfort, treatment aggressiveness, and WOC recommendations were examined among 106 respondents from neurology, neurocritical care, neurosurgery, trauma and anesthesia/critical care.
Results: The average age of the study sample was 53 years, with a median Glasgow Coma Scale of 6. The in-hospital CFR was 36 and 68 % of patients had WOC. Factors independently associated with WOC were advanced age, pupillary reactivity, lower intensive care unit-length-of-stay, pre- and in-hospital cardiac arrest, herniation, intracranial pressure crisis, and pre-existing endocrine disease. Inclusion of WOC in our multivariable regression model predicting in-hospital CFRs negated all other variables. Survey results suggested that in younger patients, some clinicians prognosticated overly pessimistically based upon data available at the time of presentation.
Conclusion: In our msTBI cohort, WOC was the most important predictor of in-hospital mortality. We identified several important independent predictors of WOC. Large within-center variability in msTBI outcome prognostication with varying levels of possible clinical nihilism exists, which may form the basis of self-fulfilling prophecies.