The mouse vaccination-challenge test, which is the most widely used method for determining the potency of inactivated rabies vaccines, is imprecise, time-consuming, and causes severe distress to the test animals. An alternative single-dose serological method has been implemented in the European Pharmacopoeia Monograph 0451 to replace the mouse challenge test for batch release. This single-dose limit method provides semi-quantitative results, but is not suitable for quantifying potency. We have now extended this serological method to a multi-dose format which allows a quantification of vaccine potency. In studies including all rabies vaccine strains relevant for Europe, we found dose-dependency for all vaccines and standard preparations. We have demonstrated that the multi-dose serological approach provides reliable quantitative potency results and is more precise than the mouse vaccination-challenge test. We have shown that adjuvanted vaccines can be calibrated against non-adjuvanted material, and that reference material can be calibrated against the International Standard. The method is therefore capable of assigning potency with the additional advantage of requiring fewer animals and reducing distress. Once the applicability of the method has been further verified in a collaborative study, it can complement the single-dose assay and eventually eliminate the need for the mouse challenge test.
Keywords: 3R alternative; BRP4; Batch potency test; EDQM; European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare; FCS; International WHO Standard for anti-rabies immunoglobulin (human); MDSA; NIH test; PBS; RAI; RFFIT; RVNA; Serological assay; Veterinary rabies vaccine; biological reference preparation batch 4; fetal calf serum; mRFFIT; modified rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test; mouse challenge test developed by the National Institutes of Health; multi-dose serological assay; phosphate buffered saline; rabies virus neutralizing antibodies.
Copyright © 2013 The International Alliance for Biological Standardization. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.