Objective: The vast majority of submucosal oesophageal tumours are leiomyomas. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) account for only one percent of all gastrointestinal malignancies, whereby an oesophageal location represents a medical rarity. Although surgical resection is the gold standard, the optimal procedure remains a matter of debate. Conventional oesophageal resection is the most common therapeutic choice to ensure complete removal with an appropriate safety margin and avoid dissemination of neoplastic cells. Anyhow, occasional case reports about enucleation of oesophageal GIST have been published. This video paper for the first time describes the use of right-sided video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) as a technique to enucleate an oesophageal GIST within the left tracheobronchial angle.
Indication: A 68-year-old male patient was evaluated for recurrent haemoptysis and dysphagia and diagnosed with a 1.4 cm sized oesophageal tumour at the left tracheobronchial angle. CT scan showed a submucosal location without signs of invasive growth. After conducting endosonography we suspected a leiomyoma and performed minimally invasive enucleation with right-sided VATS.
Method: Employing independent lung ventilation the patient was put into a left lateral position. Four trocars were applied. After incision of the mediastinal pleura the tumour was localised with intraoperative gastroscopy and diaphanoscopy. By mobilisation of the oesophagus and transection of the azygous vein it was possible to bluntly dissect the mass from surrounding oesophageal muscular fibres and safely extract it with a specimen bag. After removal of the thoracic drainage on the first postoperative day the patient was discharged the day after. The further course was uneventful. Histological work-up showed a GIST pT1cN0M0 R0 with a Ki-67 index less than 1 % (UICC I). After 10 months of follow-up the patient is recurrence-free and shows no symptoms.
Conclusion: Enucleation of a locally limited oesophageal GIST by right-sided VATS is a feasible and safe surgical procedure with dramatically reduced invasiveness compared to conventional open oesophageal resections.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.