The number of people living longer is increasing, and those with physical or cognitive impairments may need admission into long-term care settings. In long-term care there is a need to increase nursing staff's capacity to meet the care needs of residents, develop a team approach to providing care and provide opportunities for staff to improve their knowledge and skills. One approach to meet these needs has been to employ a nurse practitioner (NP). The purpose of this paper is to examine nursing staff's perceptions of how working with an NP affected their ability to provide care, function as a team and increase their knowledge and skill. Data used in this paper were obtained from nursing staff and managers who participated in focus groups that were part of case studies conducted in the second phase of a larger sequential, two-phase mixed-methods study. NPs used multiple approaches to increase staff knowledge and skills and improve quality of care. These findings describe the benefits of employing NPs in long-term care settings.
Copyright © 2013 Longwoods Publishing.