Characterization of embryogenic cell lines of Picea abies in relation to their competence for maturation

Plant Cell Rep. 1991 Oct;10(8):384-7. doi: 10.1007/BF00232606.


Embryogenic cell lines of Picea abies are categorized into three groups (polar, solar, and undeveloped) based on the organization of the somatic embryos within the tissue and the ability of the somatic embryos to proceed through a maturation process when treated with ABA. The polar and the solar types consist of somatic embryos with densely packed embryonic regions subtended by vacuolated suspensors. Both types of tissue regenerate mature somatic embryos when treated with ABA. Almost all mature somatic embryos develop further into shoots or plantlets. The undeveloped type consists of somatic embryos comprised of only a few loosely aggregated cells in their embryonic regions. Mature somatic embryos were not observed with this tissue type.