Response of male eye-spotted bud moth,Spilonota ocellana (Denis and Schiffermüller), to different ratios of synthetic sex pheromone components, (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate (Z8-14:OAc) and (Z)-8-tetradecenyl alcohol (Z8-14:OH), were compared in four North American locations and in one location in The Netherlands. In British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Michigan, and The Netherlands, a 99:1 blend ofZ8-14:OAc andZ8-14:OH captured significantly more maleS. ocellana thanZ8-14:OAc alone or binary blends containing 10-50%Z8-14:OH. In Ontario, where population sizes were low compared to the other four locations, trends in trap catches were similar, and there was no indication that maleS. ocellana responded differently to the tested pheromone blends. A 99:1 blend ofZ8-14:OAc andZ8-14:OH should be most effective in pheromone-based control programs ofS. ocellana in North America and in The Netherlands. Our results confirm earlier studies that a 99:1 blend ofZ8-14:OAc andZ8-14:OH captures significantly more maleS. ocellana thanZ8-14:OAc alone. However, our finding that a 99:1 blend ofZ8-14:OAc andZ8-14:OH is significantly more attractive than binary blends containing 10-50%Z8-14:OH differs from previous findings in Germany and Switzerland.