1 From the Ministry of Health of Rwanda (A.B., A.A., U.N., J.D.N., V.R.), Kigali Health Institute (B.U.), Rwanda Biomedical Center (J.P.N.), and National Council of Nurses and Midwives (A.U.), Kigali, and the National University of Rwanda, Butare (P.K.) - all in Rwanda; Harvard Medical School (A.B., P.E.F., C.C.), Brigham and Women's Hospital (P.E.F., C.C.), Partners in Health (P.E.F., C.C.), Clinton Health Access Initiative (T.N., S.D.M., H.L.M., A.S., I.C.M.), and Global Health Delivery Partnership (C.M.W.), Boston; the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth (A.B.) and Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science (J.P.N., C.T.N.), Hanover, NH; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, Geneva (M.E.-E.); and the Offices of the Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC (E.G.).