The overwintering eggs and the larvae of the leaf beetleGaleruca tanaceti (L.) contain hydroxylated anthraquinones. In both developmental stages, l,8-dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone (= chrysophanol) and 1,8-di-hydroxyanthraquinone (= chrysazin) were detected by GC-MS and GC-FTIR analyses. In the eggs, chrysazin was found only in traces. Anthraquinones were also present in ovaries and hemolymph of gravid females, which were investigated in order to examine the incorporation of these substances into the eggs. Neither in acidified nor in nonacidified extracts of the host plantsTanacetum vulgäre L. andAchillea millefolium L. were anthraquinones found. The activity of these anthraquinones as chemical defense substances was proved in bioassays with the antMyrmica ruginodis NYL. Further possible biological significances of anthraquinones are discussed.