In situ synthesis of bare gold nanoparticles mediated by stainless steel as reducing agent was monitored via infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) spectroscopy. Gold nanoparticles were directly synthesized within the liquid cell of the ATR unit taking immediate advantage of the stainless steel walls of the ATR cell. As nanoparticles were formed, a layer of particles was deposited at the SiO2 ATR waveguide surface. Incidentally, the absorption bands of water increased resulting from surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) effects arising from the presence of the gold nanoparticles within the evanescent field. Next to the influence of the Au(III) precursor concentration and the temperature, the suitability of IR-ATR spectroscopy as an innovative tool for investigating changes of nanoparticles in solution, including their aggregation promoted by an increase of the ionic strength or via a pH decrease, and for detailing the sedimentation process of gold nanoparticles was confirmed.