Treatment of β-thalassemia major (β-TM) includes regular blood transfusions and iron chelation with subcutaneous injection of deferoxamine (DFO). During the last decade, a new chelation agent, deferiprone (L1), was introduced. The purpose of our study was to determine the level of awareness/education regarding chelation therapy, the degree of compliance to this therapy and their views of L1 in patients with β-TM. A relevant questionnaire was administered to 36 patients (12-26 years old) who were on combination chelation therapy with both DFO and L1. The majority of patients was well aware/educated about chelation therapy (76.6%), was compliant with this therapy (74.4%) and had a positive view towards oral chelation (86.0%). In conclusion, most patients with β-TM who were on combination chelation therapy with DFO and L1 were satisfied with this treatment and this results in high compliance rates.