Background: Scientific data from current literature demonstrate an incidence of bacteraemia due to tunnelled central venous catheter (tCVC) use accounting for 1.6 / 1000 days per tCVC, with a range of 1.5 to 1.8. In Sicily no data on the incidence of tCVC- related bacteraemia are available. In our hospital, tCVC infection occurs 2.4 times in 1000 days during CVC use. A retrospective analysis carried out from 2006 to 2012 was performed on 650 patients with tunnelled catheters. Of the subjects who received tCVC in our hospital, 90% were destined to undergo haemodialysis in a private health care environment outside our hospital.
Materials and methods: In order to improve the aforementioned infection outcome, we planned and implemented a specific work project. The work project (WP) was subdivided into two steps: 1) The first step was further subdivided into two sub-phases. The first was principally concerned with the implementation of educational courses, conducted directly on the ward and aimed at the implementation of meticulous nursing regimes for the care of tCVC by our health care nurse. The courses were entitled Management of Vascular Access: from doing - to teaching to do!. These educational courses were organized by the Nephrology Department, which takes care of the management and handling of the major complications of tCVCs for the maintenance of haemodialysis. After this first step, the nurses who had participated became the promoters of the second part of the course, which concerned the development of know-how within an outpatient clinic, which deals exclusively with the nursing management of tCVCs. 2) The title of the second phase was Therapeutic Education: self-Care and understanding and managing your venous access at home. The aim of this step was the integration of correct in-hospital care with that available in outsourced private institutions, via the involvement of the patient in the management of their own central venous access. During our training project, a more detailed analysis of the stakeholder as well as a swot analysis on the feasibility of the project were used to determine ad interim and final targets of the study. A summary of operative planning is included to explain in greater detail the study design, timing and costs of the various phases. Risk management and corrective measures adopted during the project are also mentioned and monitoring of the phases is described in relation to the fulfilling of intermediate goals. The prompt correction of mistakes allows for safer realisation of outcomes.
Conclusion: From our experience with this work project, we can conclude that a more accurate management of tCVCs can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients. The project offers a positive cost-benefit balance through a decrease in costs of hospitalisation for tCVC-related infections and other life.threatening conditions related to the use of tCVCs an important goal for any spending review.