This study examined the relationship of compliance and grip strength return 6 weeks post-carpal tunnel release surgery on a sample of 11 factory workers residing in the midwest. The percent difference between pre-operative and post-operative grip strengths was - 6.00%. An ANOVA ruled out age as a significant factor in grip strength return (F=1.20, P=0.351). A two sample t-test for gender differences in return of grip strength proved insignificant as well (t=1.01, P=0.351). The low negative correlation between participant self-report of compliance and percent difference of grip strength was - 0.426. Work was reported as the most significant barrier to compliance. Results of this study suggested that 6 weeks of occupational therapy may not be sufficient for recovery to pre-operational grip strength status. Participants with the greatest amount of compliance in combination with returning to work soon after surgery demonstrated the weakest grip strength. This result implied that the exercise program in association with returning to work may have been too strenuous. Return to work and resulting work demands should be taken into consideration when prescribing home exercise programs. These conclusions are to be considered tentative and cannot be generalized because of the small sample size used to generate the data in this study.
Keywords: Compliance; Grip strength; Jamar dynamometer.