Combined chemotherapy with cisplatin was performed in patients with advanced esophageal cancer. Two types of administration schedule were used: method I (three-drug combination of cisplatin, bleomycin and methotrexate) and method II (combination of cisplatin, peplomycin and methotrexate). Of 16 cases, 6 (37.5%) showed partial remission. With regard to the method of administration, the response rate for method I was 33%, and that for method II was 43%. Nausea (84%), vomiting (56%), loss of appetite (94%), malaise (75%) and alopecia (25%) were observed as side effects. Nausea and vomiting were ameliorated by use of metoclopramide. In bloodchemistry, anemia (87%), leukopenia (56%), thrombopenia (31%) and increase of BUN (63%) were observed. However, these changes were ameliorated by hydration or blood transfusion. Combined chemotherapy with CDDP should be a more useful future treatment for esophageal cancer.