The use of common marmosets as an alternative non-human primate model for infectious disease research using BSL-3 viruses such as Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) presents unique challenges with respect to housing, handling, and safety. Subject matter experts from veterinary care, animal husbandry, biosafety, engineering, and research were consulted to design a pilot experiment using marmosets infected with RVFV. This paper reviews the caging, handling, and safety-related adaptations and modifications that were required to humanely utilize marmosets as a model for high-hazard BSL-3 viral diseases.
Keywords: Regional Biocontainment Laboratory; Rift Valley fever virus; biosafety level 3; radiotelemetry.
© 2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.