This study describes the development and application of the timed Sollerman hand function test in normal volunteers and the effect of age, gender, dominance and handedness on hand function. A total of 100 volunteers (50 men and 50 women) aged between 20 to 70 years were asked to complete the Sollerman hand function test. We measured the time taken to complete the 20 tasks using seven grips. Volunteers completed the tasks a mean of 20 seconds quicker with the dominant than with the nondominant hand. Individuals who are strongly right-handed showed a pronounced difference taking less time with the dominant hand. Women took less time to complete all tasks in age groups 30 to 40 years, than women in age groups 20 to 30 years and beyond 40 years using the dominant hand. Men also showed worsening performance with age. The centile curves of the total time taken to complete all 20 Sollerman tasks between the ages of 20 to 70 years will allow investigators to adjust their findings for age before attributing observed differences to disease or its treatment.
Keywords: Sollerman; hand function; normal volunteers; timed.
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