Between July 1981 and December 1983, 63 patients, with brain metastases were treated with an accelerated split course regimen; irradiation was given to the whole brain in 3 daily fractions of 160 cGy each (with 4-h interval between the fractions), for 5 days a week. The cycle was repeated after 2 weeks to a total dose of 4800 cGy. Male-female ratio was 3:1 (48 males and 15 females). Median age was 58 years (range 24 to 75). The most frequent site of primary tumor was lung (squamous cell carcinoma in 33 patients and oat cell carcinoma in 8 patients), breast in 6 patients, melanoma in 3 patients, other sites in 8 patients and unknown cancer in 5 patients. Thirty-five patients had multiple brain metastases localizations. In 33 patients (52.3%), metastases were present in other sites outside the central nervous system. Two patients failed to complete the scheduled treatment: one because of early death and the other by refusal of therapy during treatment. We obtained complete remission (CR) in 4 patients and partial remission (PR) in 24 patients. The median survival time was 21 weeks. The overall response rate was 42.5%. Toxicity was not considerable. The treatment results were not influenced by the site of primary tumor or by disease spreading; only the neurologic status before radiotherapy and the response to treatment influenced survival. The results we obtained are similar to those reported by other studies; however, with the accelerated split course regimen the treatment time was reduced and a shorter period of hospitalization was required.